Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver running on an Acer laptop

Looking to download Ubuntu eighteen.04 LTS 'Bionic Beaver'? It is the latest long-term support (LTS) of Ubuntu, the world's best Linux distros.

In this mail you volition learn more about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS features and benefits, plus where to download the latest installer paradigm so you can try it out for yourself.

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Things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

In brusk there are a tonne of ace changes and improvements bundled upside the 'Bionic Beaver', perhaps enough to persuade you lot to install information technology over Ubuntu 19.x, the latest short-term release.

And don't forget: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS comes with five years of support and updatesfrom Approved, from 2018 through to 2023.

That's huge as it ways you lot won't have to upgrade until the adjacent decade!

And amongst the slew of new Ubuntu eighteen.04 features you'll find the GNOME Beat out desktop, a ingather of freshly updated software, and a promising preview of next-gen open up source technology Wayland.

A lot has changed in Ubuntu country since the release of Ubuntu 16.04 back in 2016, and then read on for a comprehensive expect of everything that's new in Ubuntu eighteen.04 LTS.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Features

Ubuntu 18.04 desktop screenshot

Ubuntu 18.04 is the most heady release of Ubuntu in years. Having helped examination information technology for the past week or then I'd go as far every bit to say it is the best Ubuntu release.

This might simply be the best Ubuntu release in contempo memory!

Long Term Back up releases typically focus more on conservative software refinement than they do on major changes. Traditionally this isn't a bad matter, and people opt to ride an LTS release for the reassurance of ongoing support.

Non and so with the "Bionic Beaver."

For those upgrading from Ubuntu xvi.04, Ubuntu 18.04 is arguably the single biggest Ubuntu release in recent retentiveness.

Almost every function of the OS is different, improved or new. There's a new desktop, new kernel, new apps, new lock screen, new workflow, and more:

LTS to LTS upgraders volition find that a lot has changed in the desktop

Then if you've felt like the last couple of Ubuntu releases were lacking in the features department — and you lot won't be lonely in feeling that —  and then buckle up: Ubuntu xviii.04 LTS packs more enough seize with teeth to leave you with a long-lasting impression.

We're talking about the almost pop, and arguably best-known desktop Linux distro out at that place, after all. Assuming changes in Ubuntu accept a big impact on millions of open-source enthusiasts around the earth.

How to Install Ubuntu 18.04

ubuntu minimal install option

The get-go major changes are only noticeable when yous install Ubuntu 18.04 fresh.

Ubuntu'southward new Minimal Install option gets you the core OS, simply with fewer apps installed

It's never been particularly difficult to install Ubuntu, only in Bionic the experience has been made a bit quicker and a little simpler. Several options previously spread out across several screens are at present collected together in one pane.

New options include a new 'minimal install', which install the same Ubuntu OS simply without most of the software it typically comes with. You become a web browser, file manager and essential utilities. Everything else is gone.

Ubuntu creates a Swapfile instead of a Swap sectionalisation during installation. This change won't affect existing installs, and applies on systems where information technology makes sense (i.eastward. most). The change helps ameliorate arrangement operation.

Ubuntu's First Run Wizard

ubuntu welcome - page 1

Every users of 18.04, fresh installs and upgrades akin, will be greeted by a new first run sorcerer called "Welcome to Ubuntu".

This tool is non an in-depth usage companion app like Ubuntu MATE Welcome just information technology succeeds in what it does which is: a) to bring you lot (and everyone else) upwardly to speed on the new desktop, and b)  opt-in to some boosted features:

  • Guide to GNOME Beat desktop
  • Option to enable Livepatch to install Kernel updates without rebooting
  • Aid amend Ubuntu by enabling anonymous organization diagnostics
  • Overview of Snap apps

Come across the GNOME Shell Desktop

ubuntu 18.04 desktop screenshot

Of all the changes that make up eighteen.04 there'due south only one that nearly people volition care nearly: the new desktop environment.

The Unity desktop used in earlier versions is replaced by the GNOME Shell desktop

Gone is the home-grown Unity desktop which helped Ubuntu cement its popularity and shape its personality since 2010. In its identify is the GNOME Shell desktop.

Following a well-received dry run in Ubuntu 17.10, the desktop change is now firmly set — Approved CEO Mark Shuttleworth explained why Ubuntu dropped Unity concluding year if you're curious — and for millions of users the Ubuntu 18.04 release volition be their beginning taste of the mod GNOME desktop experience.

Admittedly this ways if you tend to upgrade to a new Ubuntu release every 6 months then this "big alter" is more of a big yawn.

But if you stick with the LTS releases then the switch to GNOME Shell volition have a bit of getting used to.

Hitherto ardent Unity enthusiasts needn't panic: Ubuntu devs accept fabricated a number of tweaks to GNOME Beat to accommodate users moving upward from the last LTS release and the Unity desktop:

ubuntu 18.04 its desktop layout explained

Ubuntu devs accept tweaked GNOME Shell to conform Unity fans' preferences

Ubuntu'south customisations include adesktop dock on the left-hand side (that looks and works much similar the Unity launcher of old) andsupport for application indicators in the system tray of the upper right, equally in Unity.

Some well-loved features don't make the bound.

The keyboard-friendly HUD (heads-upwards brandish) and global menus are gone; and out of the box you can't search for files from the 'Dash' equivalent. Managing workspaces is now achieved using a separate screen ('Activities') which also offers an exposé-esque overview of all open windows.

You'll also notice that window controls are now dorsum on the right-hand side, and many keyboard shortcuts have changed.

  • GNOME Shell three.28 desktop
  • Similar layout to Unity
  • Combined calendar & message tray
  • No HUD or global menus
  • Window controls on the correct-hand side

Better Notifications

Information technology's non just the overlay layout that's changes with the desktop switch. Ubuntu 18.04 handles desktop notifications differently to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Those passive, transient and semi-translucent notification bubbling that cuddled the upper-right of your screen are no-more. Notifications now show in the upper-eye of the screen.

More features are included too. You can now dismiss alerts, "click" on them to an app, and some notifications volition offer "action" buttons like handy in-line reply.

You also won't miss notifications when away from your desktop. All unactioned notifications are now stored in the Calendar & Message Tray so that yous don't miss them.

New login & lock screen

Ubuntu GDM login screen - communitheme session

The GNOME Display Manager (GDM3) takes over login and lock screen duties from LightDM and the Unity Greeter.

On the whole the login screen is more than or less the same, though neither remote login or guest login features are supported, and the login screen no longer displays a 'personalised' wallpaper for each business relationship.

To switch betwixt different desktop sessions you have installed (like the optional Wayland tech preview) merely click the cog on the login screen, select the session, and login. Sessions are retained between logins, so once you're done testing one practise remember to switch back to the other.

Ubuntu 18.04 lock screen

The new lock screen (pictured above) is an comeback. You can set a custom groundwork wallpaper, and command whi notifications (if whatsoever) are shown while you're away.

Improved Settings App

The Organization Settings app used in Ubuntu has changed from Unity Command Centre to GNOME Settings. It has a wider, cleaner and more organised design which is navigated from a sidebar.

You tin can also search for options inSettings by name form inside the app or, rather helpfully, the applications screen.

Sample a more vanilla GNOME Shell

If you want to endeavour vanilla GNOME Shell you can install information technology from the archives by running this control:

sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop

Restart your estimator and select the "GNOME" session from cog bill of fare at the login screen.

Yous tin can still install the Unity desktop

If you program to upgrade Ubuntu sixteen.04 to 18.04 you won't lose the Unity desktop. It'll remain installed to select as an alternate session from the login screen.

Similarly, for upgraders, the Unity desktop is still available to install on Ubuntu 18.04 from the archives. It doesn't piece of work 100% like it used to, mainly equally a outcome of core apps using client-side decoration instead of menu bars, but the overall experience, HUD included, is in tact.

Just don't expect whatever ongoing support (i.e. updates or critical fixes) for Unity from Canonical.

GNOME three.28

As well as the shell eighteen.04 is based on GNOME three.28 – a large overhaul from GNOME iii.eighteen which was available in the sixteen.04 archives.

You go access to a heap of keen features, including:

  • 'Nighttime Low-cal' – warms your display after dusk to promote natural sleep patterns
  • New on-screen keyboard – an OSK that looks and works improve than Onboard
  • Thunderbolt 3 back up – you can connect and authorise Thunderbolt 3 devices
  • Media player controls in the message tray– supports Rhythmbox, Spotify, etc
  • Wacom Graphics Improvements – it'southward now easier to utilise input devices with GNOME

Easy Emoji Entry

emoji picker in ubuntu 18.04 lts

Dearest 'em or loathe 'em emoji are a function of modern online communication. Inbound emoji on Ubuntu is easy thank you to a new colour emoji picker.

To enter emoji on Ubuntu y'all simply need to right-click in a text field and select the 'insert emoji' menu detail. This will open the searchable, browsable emoji picker palette.

Laptop users

The way you right-click has been tweaked on touchpads that lack a physical button. You now perform a2-finger click (tap anywhere on the touchpad with two fingers).

If you don't similar this alter you tin revert to the former behaviour via the Tweaks app.

Talking of touchpads and mice you lot can opt to employ the synaptics driver via the Settings app if the default libinput driver causes bug.

Finally, Ubuntu will automatically suspend afterward twenty minutes of inactivity when you're using battery ability.

Central Software Updates

Ubuntu 18.04 desktop screenshot

Every Ubuntu eighteen.04 download comes preloaded with a stack of seriously useful software.

The latest releases of the Mozilla Firefox web-browser and Thunderbird due east-postal service customer are present. Productivity hounds will appreciate the inclusion of LibreOffice 6, while photography fans can snap up a slate of improvements in the Shotwell photo managing director.

Ubuntu 18.04 also adds a new 'to exercise' app chosen (rather unimaginatively) "To Do":

the new to do app in ubuntu

Calendar is some other great cadre GNOME app that Ubuntu ships with. In Bionic theCalendar app tin now testify conditions forecasts for scheduled events that have a location. The app likewise improves the "month" view layout.

App versions in summary:

  • Firefox 59.0.2
  • Thunderbird 52
  • Nautilus (aka 'Files') three.26
  • LibreOffice half-dozen.0.3
  • Totem (aka 'Videos') three.28
  • Rhythmbox three.4.2
  • Remmina 1.2.0
  • Shotwell 0.28

New Software in a Snap

Ubuntu Software is dwelling to thousands of gratis apps. Y'all're non stuck using what Ubuntu ships with.

Cheers to the inclusion of theSnap Store the Bionic Beaver as well offers a solid foundation for timely future app updates to primal software.

The Ubuntu 'Snapcraft store' boasts a variety of large-name software already, including productivity powerhouse LibreOffice, browsing staple Firefox, likewise as Chromium, Skype and Spotify.

The Ubuntu Software app allows like shooting fish in a barrel switching between different channels for Snap apps.

A handful of utilities, the desktop estimator and system monitor tools amidst them, are preinstalled equally Snap apps. This shouldn't take too much impact (and should allow them to be updated independently of the main Bone) but they won't "integrate" with third-party GTK themes.

Linux Kernel iv.fifteen

the linux mascot tux

Beating away at the heart of Ubuntu 18.04 is Linux kernel 4.fifteen.

Equally you'd expect this brings a raft of new and improved hardware support to the Bionic Beaver. This helps the latest peripherals, keyboards, graphics cards and USB devices piece of work "out of the box", and improves the handling and operation of other devices.

The Linux 4.15 based Ubuntu Linux kernel as well features secure retentiveness encryption back up on AMD hardware, improved power management for systems with SATA Link Ability Direction, Linux security module stacking back up — and a whole heap more.

Ubuntu 18.04 System requirements

Ubuntu eighteen.04 LTS supports well-nigh modernistic hardware thanks to the inclusion of the Linux Kernel 4.15. If your car currently runs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in that location's a good gamble information technology'll run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS too.

The minimum system requirements:

  • 2GHz dual core processor (or amend)
  • 2GB RAM
  • 25GB of free difficult drive space
  • DVD bulldoze or USB port for install
  • Internet access

The more RAM you take the happier Ubuntu will exist; the new GNOME Beat out desktop isn't quite equally nimble as. Don't forget that many Ubuntu flavours are also available with lower system requirements, such as Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS.

Ubuntu and its flavours include UEFI secure boot support. This means (in theory) you can boot and install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 without having to enable legacy BIOS features.

Ubuntu 18.04 Summary

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is a polished, performant update.

The GNOME Shell desktop lends a modern appeal, Snaps aid serve up swift software updates equally and when they're bachelor, and while the overall performance could be better, well-nigh modern laptops and PCs won't pause a sweat running Ubuntu.

In curt, nosotros highly recommend this release.

Ubuntu eighteen.04 features in a nutshell:

  • New GNOME Shell desktop
  • 'Minimal' install selection
  • Linux Kernel four.xv
  • Admission to Snap apps
  • Back up for color emoji
  • Back up for Thunderbolt 3
  • Updated apps, inc. LibreOffice 6.1
  • Prepare of Snap apps by default
  • New 'To-Exercise' app
  • Python 3.6
  • New installs utilize Swap files by default
  • Optional Wayland session

Download Ubuntu eighteen.04 LTS

Ubuntu 18.04 download

You can download Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as a disc image (iso) which you can flash to a DVD or USB drive to perform a fresh install

The disc image is both a 'live CD' and an installer. This allows you lot to endeavor Ubuntu before y'all install. The disc image is a 1.7GB download. Y'all can use a tool similar Etcher to create a bootable USB.

Download Ubuntu xviii.04 LTS (64-fleck .iso)

Download Ubuntu xviii.04 LTS (64-bit .torrent)

Ubuntu 32-chip discontinued

Ubuntu stopped making 32-bit desktop ISOs last yr, which means at that place's no way to download Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in a 32-bit version.

To install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a 32-bit PC or laptop you lot will need to:

  • Utilise the alternate installer or;
  • Use the minimal/net-install ISO or;
  • Upgrade from a 32-fleck version of Ubuntu sixteen.04 LTS

You can also opt to use an culling season of Ubuntu better suited to less powerful machines,  Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, and Kubuntu 18.04 are all LTS releases.

How to Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Yous can upgrade Ubuntu sixteen.04 LTS to Ubuntu xviii.04 LTS, or 17.ten to 18.04, using the command line or the Software Updater app.